
Monday, April 27, 2009

LOOK! we're a rainbow!!!

rabbit food for thought

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

everyone is posting about easter, so i thought i'd jump on the bandwagon.

i went to the crabtree earlier this week to buy myself something. you know, just a little retail treat.

upon entering the mall i noticed a large set up composed of a gazebo-like structure with flowers and eggs with a throne underneath. who was sitting on said throne? why it twas the EASTER BUNNY! then i see a line of children waiting to sit on the easter bunny's lap.

okay. hold up.

since when is the easter bunny like santa claus? since when does the easter bunny get the whole shebang mall set up? since when do parents bring their children to sit on its lap?! what is the purpose of this? do the kids ask for things from the easter bunny? is that how this works?! are they all like "yo, bunny, i want a wii and throw in a new guitar for my guitar hero while you're at it..."?!

no. that is not how it works.

when i was a kid the easter bunny was this mysterious, mythical creature that popped out of its hole once a year for one night to bring little girls and boys eggs and chocolately yums. it did not set up shop in the public mall letting rugrats climb all over it, pull at its ears, and make demands.

i remember one year when i was really little, my mom put fake bunny prints all over our house. my sister and i had to follow them from room to room until they ended up at our easter baskets. these baskets did not have a wii or guitar hero, or even a fucking lite brite (to put things in a historical context).

we got fake grass, plastic eggs, chocolate candy wrapped in foil, and probably something jesus related.

but now i'm old and i received no such basket this year. maybe people like me should be the ones hitting up the mall bunny and NOT the kids...they probably woke up to an iphone or something equally as outrageous. fml.


Sunday, April 12, 2009

this time last year, i was getting whopped with a willow rod by a group of boys.

that sounds wrong.

i miss this place.