here in the czech republic we celebrate easter a little differently than in the states. they don't play the easter bunny bullshit game.
on easter monday the boys are supposed to spend the rest of the day hitting the girls with willow rods and then the girls are supposed to give the boys painted eggs to make peace. some guys go as far as dousing the girls in cold water. apparently they're supposed to appreciate all this.
so. it's easter monday and i'm on the metro on my way to the institute, ipod playing, just having some chill time on the way. at one of the stops three boys, who all looked about 12 years old, get on with their willow rods and baskets in hand. they move into the metro car behind me, and i hear them talking and laughing together. next thing i know
popped right in the ass.
no, i didn't give them any eggs.
no, i didn't give them any eggs.
this weekend i'm going to berlin (!!!) and then i only have three weeks left. it's going to be a total shock when i land in raleigh and it's in the mid 70's. it's been snowing here off and on for the past week.
time is flying by. guh.