bottle wine and sweet sangria

Monday, March 10, 2008

spring break. paris. barcelona. mind blowingly great. here's a brief run down of events:

-stayed in montmartre (yes, where amelie lived!) which was a really cute section of paris.
-went to a party hosted by Arielle (the really awesome girl we stayed with). people from different parts of europe, all really nice, good night.
-did a lot of the touristy things: eiffel tower, the louvre, arc de triumph, notre dame...
-celebrated my 20th birthday by going to the most amazing fondue restaurant. the place was packed so they would make you climb over the tables to sit down. oh, and they served you wine out of glass baby bottles (i swear there was something more than just wine in those bottles)
-lots of walking around, eating food, enjoying the sights, loving the city

paris definitely became my favorite city visited so far. it had such charm and was so pretty...guh. one day i'm going to open a sweet cake shop there, i swear. ;)

-our hostel was right on the beach! so we spent a lot of time out there.
-mmm...sangria. best idea ever.
-went to the aquarium...saw a lot of fish and learned that the male genitals of a shark are called claspers...neat, right?!
-went to a flamenco dance show. i seriously thought this guy's legs were going to fly off from moving them so fast.
-looked at gaudi architecture. i really liked the crazy, colorful buildings gaudi designed; different than any other architecture i had ever seen.
-i also discovered the greatness of donars...yum. donars. so good. thank you molly collins for giving me the gift of delicious donar knowledge. no, this isn't a spanish dish, but it changed my life nonetheless.

my spring break was insanely good, but i'm actually really happy to be back in prague. i'm trying to compile a spring break video to post on here. i don't know when i'll have it up, but hopefully soon.

only six weeks left, so sad :(


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