Wednesday, April 30, 2008

is there even a point in keeping up with this thing now that the whole reason i started it in the first place is over?

who knows. maybe i'll write random shit on here periodically just for fun. like now.

it has been brought to my attention, by an undisclosed source, that (apparently) Barack Obama is the antichrist.

who would've guessed it? ;)

reverse culture shock

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

i'm back.

and it feels weird.

it's the underdog world strike!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

be it punk, hip-hop, be it a reggae sound
it is all connected through
the gypsy part of town.

eugene hutz: father of the gypsy punk revelution

yes, you do have that shirt

i want your drum...and your makeup

the band in all their glory

he's looking right at me?!

Trip Itinerary:
-four hour bus ride to bratislava
-wandering looking for the venue
-turns out to be the most awesome venue ever
-opening band skindred plays thirty minute set, entering the stage to the darth vader theme
-gogol bordello comes on
-crowd loses its mind
-gogol bordello lose their minds
-i lose my mind
-moshing, thrashing, jumping, shouting, laughing, smiling, sweating
-giant drum
-fight my way to the front
-touch eugene hutz...twice
-'start wearing purple'
-flying bucket of microphone and red wine
-become soaked with wine and sweat
-show ends, die of happiness

probably one of the best shows i've ever seen. so much energy. so much fun.

i have to be honest and say it was actually comparable to seeing radiohead.

yeah. that's how fucking awesome it was.

"deutsch bag"

Monday, April 7, 2008

it's been awhile...
but. let's get to it.

i feel like i say it everytime i get back from a new place...but berlin is definitely one of my favorite places i've gone to.

why? here are a few reasons:
-the modern architecture
-amazing graffiti
-super nice people
-giant metal seesaws...the city was like one huge playground for adults
-the food
(so much more to choose from than in prague)
-way cleaner

the wall/checkpoint charlie

potsdamer platz/lewitt cube

some sweet news!

i am so excited because wednesday i am going to bratislava, slovakia to see none other than...

a gypsy punk band playing in eastern europe?! they are ridiculous live back in the states, so i can only imagine how amazing it's going to be here, since most of the members are eastern european and they are a lot more popular here.
i'll try to take some pictures at the show to post on here later.