"deutsch bag"

Monday, April 7, 2008

it's been awhile...
but. let's get to it.

i feel like i say it everytime i get back from a new place...but berlin is definitely one of my favorite places i've gone to.

why? here are a few reasons:
-the modern architecture
-amazing graffiti
-super nice people
-giant metal seesaws...the city was like one huge playground for adults
-the food
(so much more to choose from than in prague)
-way cleaner

the wall/checkpoint charlie

potsdamer platz/lewitt cube

some sweet news!

i am so excited because wednesday i am going to bratislava, slovakia to see none other than...

a gypsy punk band playing in eastern europe?! they are ridiculous live back in the states, so i can only imagine how amazing it's going to be here, since most of the members are eastern european and they are a lot more popular here.
i'll try to take some pictures at the show to post on here later.

0 odds and ends: