Sunday, December 28, 2008


name: "Winter Holiday" 2008
length: approximately 3-4 weeks
description: time of holiday cheer, rest and relaxation, no worries
aliases: Christmas Break, Yule, Festivus

last seen today around 12.00am when it was realized there's only a week left in the break

if found please return to

another chance to get it right

Friday, December 26, 2008

with the dawning of a new year brings new resolutions. i don't usually set resolutions for myself, but the last year and a half have been ridiculous and i feel the need to make some changes.

a resolution is the act of resolving. answering. solving.

hot damn, am i ready for some of that.

i'm not going to list everything i plan to resolve this year, but i will note that today marked the beginning of my journey into vegetarianism...not that i really eat a lot of meat anyway. (but lord only knows the cravings i can get for mo joe's) i'm going to try cutting it out all together, and attempt to just eat healthier in general.

we'll see how long this lasts. i think mo joe's is already calling my name.

"yo, katlyn!"

vay cay

Thursday, December 25, 2008

as with any griffin family vacation, what can go wrong will go wrong. "hope for the best and expect the worst" is our motto when it comes to traveling.

instead of driving 10 hours to florida we opted to fly. an hour and a half flight is no big deal, right? sure, until it decides to snow everywhere and cause flight delays. on the way to florida our flight was delayed three hours. that sucked, but we survived and went on the have a great time at disney world with no problems.

ultimately, disney world consists of:
-long lines
-screaming children
-expensive souvenirs
-a lot of plastic
-unused recycling bins
-rides that are awesome,
but not worth waiting an hour
-mish mash of foreign languages
-asians with large cameras
-creepy people in costumes
-parades that block traffic
-grown adults with cartoon characters plastered all over them
-parents who think their child and stroller are more important than not running over your foot

essentially everyone who goes to disney world sells their soul to mickey mouse. you pretty much have to with how expensive the tickets are.

but alas, the travel gods weren't done with us yet. on tuesday our flight home was scheduled to leave at 7:50pm. so as most people do, we got there early to get through security, etc.

our plane didn't leave until 1:50am on wednesday. we sat in the airport for about 8 hours.


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

today has been bizarre.

my final in economics was at 8 this morning. don't ask. then i got home around 10 and took a nap...that lasted until 3. i've spent the rest of the day feeling disoriented and a couple hours behind.

as i've said before, i don't take naps. but last night i only got a few hours of sleep. after lying down around 1 and beginning to drift off...suddenly i had this idea.

the past month or so i've been trying to really narrow down my concept for my art to wear line so i can get started on it over break. i had come up with a lot of random crap, most of which i was pretty ambivalent about.


last night whilst lying in bed i had this image pop in my head and then everything was clear. it was like god reached down, popped open my head (like they do on monty python) and just sprinkled it in.

so. instead of being able to get a solid 6 hours of sleep before my major exam, i spent most of the night sketching and ideating and then just laying there and thinking. i can't turn the shit off.


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

let's get one thing straight.

i don't take naps. i just don't.

because inevitably i wake up feeling even more like shit than i did before.


the past three days i've taken ridiculously long naps. they've been glorious. and now that classes are over i plan to sleep for the rest of break.


roadkill casserole

Thursday, December 4, 2008

on my way from leazar to brooks today, i stopped at the sidewalk to let a car pass when suddenly i see this poor little squirrel jumping and twitching on the ground across the road.

it had been hit by said car.

the squirrel hits the gutter and stops moving. i'm freaking out because this animal is dying right in front of me when all of a sudden this redneck guy yells out "OooooWeee! I'm gonna be eatin' good tonight!" and proceeds to walk over to the squirrel, pick it up by the tail and walk away with it swinging.

you can't make this shit up.

just maybe

Monday, December 1, 2008

i'm not positive.


i'm pretty sure dean malecha wouldn't approve if i said my design process simply included shots of straight bourbon whiskey and a lot of pizazz.