Tuesday, December 16, 2008

today has been bizarre.

my final in economics was at 8 this morning. don't ask. then i got home around 10 and took a nap...that lasted until 3. i've spent the rest of the day feeling disoriented and a couple hours behind.

as i've said before, i don't take naps. but last night i only got a few hours of sleep. after lying down around 1 and beginning to drift off...suddenly i had this idea.

the past month or so i've been trying to really narrow down my concept for my art to wear line so i can get started on it over break. i had come up with a lot of random crap, most of which i was pretty ambivalent about.


last night whilst lying in bed i had this image pop in my head and then everything was clear. it was like god reached down, popped open my head (like they do on monty python) and just sprinkled it in.

so. instead of being able to get a solid 6 hours of sleep before my major exam, i spent most of the night sketching and ideating and then just laying there and thinking. i can't turn the shit off.

0 odds and ends: