rock and shop market

Saturday, June 28, 2008

today toni and i ventured downtown to tir na nog bar for the rock and shop market.

there were a lot of really cool merchants selling shirts, bags, jewelry, journals, pottery, etc...i bought this sweet ring with a huge flower on it. totally obnoxious, but i love it.

one of the coolest tables had all these crazy, awesome posters for bands playing at locals venues like the cats cradle over the years. bands included the decemberists, feist, the twilight singers, cursive, tilly and the wall, and loads more.

i wanted to buy them all so badly!!! because they had great illustrations and i had attended a lot of the shows he made them for. ah, memories.

the market was really inspiring. toni and i saw the fruits of people doing what they love to do and we just looked at each other and said "we could totally do this."

and we are.

the fall

Monday, June 23, 2008

i went to a movie last night on a whim.

i had looked at the galaxy's website to see if they had any interesting films playing and i happened upon this one movie called 'the fall.'

so. i roped toni into accompanying me to the movies. a roommate date if you will.

i wasn't too sure what to expect from 'the fall.' i had a basic idea of the plot and figured what the hell.

it turned out to be the best movie i've seen in awhile.

the story, the acting, the costumes (!!!), the colors, the cinematography, the sets...everything about it was great.

the little girl was so cute, he wasn't bad either ;)

what confuses me more than anything about our culture is how a really artistic (not in a pretentious way), accessible movie like this can only be (hopefully) viewed at small theaters like the galaxy, while every major movie theater around will show a piece of shit like 'the love guru'?!

i think it says a lot about us as a society.

out of context

Monday, June 16, 2008

-"for we are like olives; only when we are crushed do we yield what is best in us."
-reality varies from generation to generation
-my shitty life on paper
-"i'm not addicted to drugs, i'm addicted to glamour"
-oh, the androgyny!
-the engineers of human souls
-corporate assholes
-level of civilization defined by how animals are treated
-okay so this is really supposed to be a guy. a fat guy. but we're going to make him feminine. he's going to sparkle.
-i would tell them i had been brainwashed once too.
-do travel agents still exist?
-great stories, ones worth telling
-bullshit. lies. anger. useless.
-so boring? so blasé?
-fuck. i need a god-damned lightning bolt.
-voice was too high-pitched anyway.
-be brave, clench fists.
-lamborghini makes tractors
-differences in words
-the ink i waste
-incessant attempts to defy gravity and time
-eerie grimace
-she told her pastor that he was a bastard.
-fate thought it would be funny

hello, my name is

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


-enjoys discussing the ailments, diseases, and bodily fluids of everyone living in her retirement community
-never misses an opportunity to say something inappropriate
-smokes camel turkish golds
-has one style of shoes in twelve colors
-never lets her gas gauge go below a quarter tank. and, she always drives the extra five miles to the full service gas station

because silence is knowledge, and knowledge is power

Sunday, June 8, 2008

during class, while i pretend to pay attention to the fascinating world of marketing, i make lists of things to look up on wikipedia. this week's compilation is as follows:

-eternal return
-hegemonic structures
-julia butterfly
-"verbal diarrhea"
-roma people
-socialist realism
-jan svankmajer
-alternative fuel sources
-ad reinhardt
-caste system
-living goddesses
-carl jung
-black onyx
-ivan klima
-corporate systems
-eight-fold path
-barnett newman

questions? yes.

answers? please.

slowly downward

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

"so i'm in the car with my notebook, and for something to do i'm writing down what all these signs and advertisements have to say. i'm filling pages and pages. And then i realise something else. they're only using a very few colours, and the colours are bold, brash, and used in very visually compelling combinations. about ninety per cent of the messages that flick past my retinas are using seven colours. i start noting these down.

red, green, blue, yellow, orange, black, and white.

all made of plastic, all made from pigments derived from the petrochemical industry, the same hydrocarbon trade that has made the city of los angeles possible, at least in the short term...part of what i'm trying to do is


-stanley donwood