rock and shop market

Saturday, June 28, 2008

today toni and i ventured downtown to tir na nog bar for the rock and shop market.

there were a lot of really cool merchants selling shirts, bags, jewelry, journals, pottery, etc...i bought this sweet ring with a huge flower on it. totally obnoxious, but i love it.

one of the coolest tables had all these crazy, awesome posters for bands playing at locals venues like the cats cradle over the years. bands included the decemberists, feist, the twilight singers, cursive, tilly and the wall, and loads more.

i wanted to buy them all so badly!!! because they had great illustrations and i had attended a lot of the shows he made them for. ah, memories.

the market was really inspiring. toni and i saw the fruits of people doing what they love to do and we just looked at each other and said "we could totally do this."

and we are.

0 odds and ends: